Meeting of Fr. James Channan OP with Dr. Qibla Ayaz Chariman Council of Islamic Ideology Government of Pakistan at Islamabad in his office.
The Council of Islamic Ideology is a constitutional body that advises the legislature whether or not a certain law is repugnant to Islam, namely to the Qur'an and Sunna. Dr. Qibla Ayaz is the current chairman of the of Council of Islamic Ideology Government of Pakistan.
After his Masters in Islamic Studies from the University of Peshawar in 1975, in which he will serve as vice-chancellor later, he got his PhD from the University of Edinburgh in the field of Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies in 1985, his unpublished thesis being, in 2 volumes, An unexploited source for the History of the Saljūqs: A translation of and critical commentary on the Akhbār Al-Dawlat Al-Sajūqiyya, under the supervision of Dr Carole Hillenbrand.
Dr. Qibla Ayaz and Fr. James Channan OP have close friendship and in Pakistan together they are promoting peace and interfaith harmony. Fr. James Channan OP Director Peace Center presented a published document by Japan with the title of Interfaith Harmony in Pakistan. Fr. James Channan said that this is special issue Vol. 29, No. 1, Issue 157 by organization of Byakko Shinko Kai Japan.
Functions of Islamic Council.

(1) The functions of the Islamic Council shall be,
(a) to make recommendations to [246] [Majlis- e- Shoora (Parliament)] and the Provincial Assemblies as to the ways and means of enabling and encouraging the Muslims of Pakistan to order their lives individually and collectively in all respects in accordance with the principles and concepts of Islam as enunciated in the Holy Quran and Sunnah;
(b) to advise a House, a Provincial Assembly, the President or a Governor on any question referred to the Council as to whether a proposed law is or is not repugnant to the Injunctions of Islam;
(c) to make recommendations as to the measures for bringing existing laws into conformity with the Injunctions of Islam and the stages by which such measures should be brought into effect; and
(d) to compile in a suitable form, for the guidance of Majlis-e-Shoora (Parliament) and the Provincial Assemblies, such Injunctions of Islam as can be given legislative effect.