Coordinator National Muslim Christian Dialogue Gujarat CC, Taswar , Jabran Masih Gill, Coordinator Peace Network Pakistan CC, Younas, Coordinator Star Organization CC, Dr. Marqus Fida, Coordinator Global Mission Awareness CC, Asher Nazir, Coordinator COPE Pakistan CC were invited and they were present in great number and took very active part in this international event on the theme of “End Racism: Build Peace “
The program began with interfaith prayers from Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh and interfaith prayers offered by Mr. Iqbal Sani, Allama Asghar Arif Chishti, Pastor Emmanuel Khokhar, Dr. Munawar Chand and Sardar Sikandar Singh for world peace and love with everyone without of color race and religion. After the interfaith prayers all eminent honorable guest requested to come forward for beaming the peace candle to glow the throughout event and Dominican brother sang beautiful peace song.

It was absolutely fabulous celebration of the UN International Day of Peace on the theme of “End Racism: Build Peace” with over 150, Muslims, Christians, Hindus and Sikhs at our Dominican’s Peace Center in Lahore. All interfaith leaders and people pledged to End Racism and Build Peace.
Mr. Asher Nazir Executive Secretary Peace Center invited to Fr. James Channan OP for the welcome note and introduction of the theme “End Racism. Build Peace.” of International Day of Peace by United Nations. Fr James Channan OP Director Peace Center said that all the world celebrating International Day of Peace by United Nations and every year Peace Center celebrate this international day with the people of different religions which are working for peace and promoting peace and interfaith harmony among the religions. This year we are celebrating international day with the theme of “End Racism, Build Peace” by United Nations.

This year the United Nations (UN) decided, “End Racism, Build Peace” will be the theme of the International Day of Peace. From the past few years, cases of racism have been increasing worldwide, so the United Nations (UN) declared “End racism, Build peace” as the theme of International Day of Peace 2022. The International Day of Peace was established by the UN resolution in 1981. It was the year 1982, when International Day of Peace was celebrated first time. United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) decided to celebrate the International Day of Peace permanently on 21 September. The main focus of declaring 21 September as the International Day of Peace is to encourage people to work in cooperation and to maintain worldwide peace. Therefore, every year on 21st September, the International Day of Peace is celebrated. The International Day of Peace reminds us that the world is our home. World is a better place when there is peace and peace and non-violence should prevail all across the world. We should learn what we can each do individually to make the world a more peaceful and better place. War and violence are never a solution to resolve any conflicts but it only increases hatred for each other around the world. We should learn from the past that violence and war is no solution. For example, World War 2 created only loss of life and peace and it was not beneficial for anybody.
More than seven billion people are living in the world and they have different religions, different nations, different cultures, races, colors and languages but important thing is that we are human being. We are all created by Lord and we are belonging the generation of Adam. Today we look in this world that people are facing discrimination by name of religion, race, culture and color
The message of the Secretary General of the United Nations for the International Day of Peace, 2022
"Peace is a noble and necessary pursuit, and the only practical pathway to a better, fairer world for all people. Yet in too many places, in too many contexts, we are failing the cause of peace.
The theme of this year’s International Day of Peace — “End Racism. Build Peace.” — reminds us of the many ways racism poisons people’s hearts and minds and erodes the peace we all seek.
Racism robs people of their rights and dignity. It inflames inequalities and mistrust. And it pushes
people apart, at a time when we should be coming together, as one human family, to repair us
fractured world. Instead of fighting each other, we should be working to defeat our true enemies: racism, poverty, inequality, conflict, the climate crisis and the COVID-19 pandemic. We should tear down structures that sustain racism, and lift up human rights movements everywhere.
António Guterres Secretary General UN
And we should drown out the vicious voices of hate speech with a united and sustained cry for truth, understanding and mutual respect. On this important day, a time to observe 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fire, we renew our call for all people to do more than lay down their weapons. We call on them to re-affirm the bonds of solidarity we share as human beings and get down to the business of building a better, more peaceful world".