Symphony of Peace Prayers Ceremony 2016

Venue: Peace Center Lahore, Pakistan  

A very inspiring and spiritually uplifting Symphony of Peace Prayers 2016 was organized at Peace Center, Lahore on 15th of May, 2016.  This program was jointly organized by the Peace Center and URI Pakistan in which over 150 Christians and Muslims participated. There was a great variety of people; children and adults of all ages from different walks of life such as: professors, lawyers, religious leaders, human rights activists, promoter of interfaith dialogue, justice and peace, social workers and representatives of about 25 different NGOs There was also a good number of students from Kinnaird College for Women, FC College (A Chartered University) and Minhaj University. The Peace Center was very elegantly decorated with flowers and banners. There was a great spirit of joy and tranquility and every person was filled with bliss during this event which being held along with SOPP ceremony in Japan and in 86 other countries and in 686 places. 

We felt very united with the entire globe with different of different countries, nations, cultures, religions and ethnicity. It became more significant with the flags of all nations in the hall. Everyone seemed mesmerized during the peace song presented by the young Dominican students. A special message from Mrs. Masami Saionji, Chairperson, Byakko Shinko Kai and the World Peace Society was read in which she highly admired the URI work in Pakistan significant efforts of Maulana Abdul Khabir Azad, fr James Channan OP and Sr. Sabina Rifat. The Soul of WoMen global campaign was also introduced by Sr. Sabina Rifat as well Urdu translation of Fuji Declaration was also launched.  Moreover, it was a splendid co-incident that Christians were 


celebrating the great feast of Pentecost – the descending of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples and other followers of Jesus Christ. 

There was a significant number URI leaders, Coordinators and members from all over Pakistan. This event was a sign of hope that people of Pakistan long for peace and this a bright side of our society which needs to be promoted in the world and seen by the world. 

Unfortunately the mass media often gives much more coverage to the negative and violent news but there is a grave need to highlight such events and ceremonies which bring a ray of hope, mutual respect, acceptance and tolerance. Such events serve to bring a sense of healing and reconciliation among the people which is at the heart of URI manifesto.  


Maulana Khabir Azad, URI leader and former Global  Trustee,  presided over, whereas Rev. Dr. Marqus Fida, Coordinator Global  Mission Awareness CC, Hafiz Nauman Hamid, Coordinator, World Council of Religions, Fr. John Tanveer, Vicar of Orthodox Metropoltinate in Pakistan, Rev. Emmanuel Khokhar, representative of the Diocese of Raiwind, Mrs. Shabnam Nagi, Lawyer of the High Court were as Guests of Honour.

Professor Muhammad Zaman Nazi, Miss. Mahwish Obaid, Miss.  Zara Pervaiz, Coordinator Light of Hope CC, Fr Inayat Bernard, Director Pakistan Council for Interreligous Dialogue were among the speakers whereas; Sr. Naseem George, Coordinator Azaz-e-Niswan CC, Sargodha read a passage from the Holy Bible and Allama Nadeem recited some verses from the Holy Quran. 

Sr. Sabina Rifat, Coordinator URI Women Wing Pakistan introduced URI and Soul of WoMen. Ms. Tasneem Saeed Ortt. URI Youth Trainer read message of Mrs. Masami Saionji and Mr. Asher Nazir, Coordinator, COPE Pakistan CC was Stage Secretary. Other URI Coordinators included; Mr. Francis Xavier, Coordinator, Basharat-e-Ibn-Mariam, Chaudhary Barkat Masih, Coordinator, Bhatta Brick Kiln  Welfare Organization CC, Mr. Aqeel Khan, Coordinator, ABC4All CC.   

 Some members of the. two CCs in pipe line traveled hundreds of miles from other cities to participate in this program. This colorful event lasted for about 2 hours and all guests were served delicious meal at the end of the program. Fr James Channan OP, URI Regional Coordinator Pakistan was the Chief organizer and the host as well.



Fr.James Channan OP

Regional Coordinator 

URI Pakistan

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