Master General of the Dominican Order Plants Peace Pole at Peace Center in Lahore

Fr Bruno Cardore OP, Master General of the Dominican Order created  a history in Pakistan when he planted a Peace Pole at Peace Center in Lahore on 9th  of May, 2011 during  his official visitation to Pakistan. This beautiful ceremony took  place in the presence of  more than 40 Dominican friars, Sisters and lay people.  Prayers for peace in our country and around the world were offered, peace hymns sung, messages and speeches delieverd.  During the ceremony  each person was  holding a flag of one country of  the world. It was a great manifestation of expressing our  longing for peace in the world.


Fr James Channan welcomed and thanked  fr Bruno Cadore, Master General of the Dominican Order along with his Socius for Asia Pacific Fr Vincente Lu OP.  He said that Peace Pole which  is planted today will set a land mark that people of Pakistan love peace and they want to see peace all around the world.. The present war like situation of Pakistan poses a  great challenge for all of us to work for promoting peace, even,  with more zeal and dedication  for this noble task  when we are confronted with so much hatred, violence and terrorism  around us. He highly admired the courage of the Master of the Order for coming to Pakistan in this very dangerous situation and also to accept the invitation to plant this Peace Pole on which its written in  4 languages that  “May Peace Prevail On Earth” .

He also gave brief history of Peace Pole that it was the dream and vision of Masahisa Goi from Japan. He gave this phrase and slogan of ‘May Peace Prevail On Earth”  in 1955. Now there are over 200,000 such Peace Poles  erected in more than 190 countries. Fr James also revealed that at this very moment many people and members of the World Peace Prayer Society and Byako Shinko Kai are offering prayers for us at Fuji Sanctuary in Japan.  

Fr Bruno was the Chief Guest of this occasion, in his speech he congratulated and thanked Fr James Channan OP, Director of the Peace Center for putting his heart and soul for a beautiful Peace Center and for making to  organize peace programs. 

The Master said we have received a call from Jesus Christ to work for peace and he is the Prince of Peace. That is a sign that we are taking part in the large movement for peace. Humanity is created by the sign of love and peace. Peace was the very first word which Jesus Christ said after his resurrection when he appeared  to  the women and apostles. The very first word he said was “Peace be with you”.  Therefore we are called to start our talks and end our talks and day with “peace”. When we talk about peace we open our heart  to witness this peace. My wish is that as family of preachers – brothers and sisters – we begin our day and end our day with “peace”.

A special message from Mrs. Masami Saionji from Japan,  Chairperson of the World Peace Prayer Society send for this special occasion was read by Fr Iftikhar Moon OP. In her message  she said;”

I am deeply honored to have this opportunity of offering my congratulations on the dedication of a Peace Pole at the Peace Center of the Dominican Order in Lahore, Pakistan, planted by the Most Reverend Fr. Bruno Cadoré OP, Master General of the Dominican Order.

How fitting it is that, at this key moment in history, the Master General has traveled to Pakistan to encourage  inter-religious dialogue,  reconciliation and harmony, and has graciously agreed to officiate at this Peace Pole planting. 


At this time, we at the World Peace Prayer Society join with all of you in praying for the spirit of love, hope, and forgiveness to spread throughout Pakistan and the world from this Peace Center. 


We at the World Peace Prayer Society consider the Peace Center to be the cornerstone of peace in Pakistan, and a powerful influence for harmony throughout the world…. It is my earnest desire that this Peace Pole may stand forever at this worthy place, serving as a symbol of the spirit of divine oneness and mercy that are to prevail throughout Pakistan and the world.  


Along with many peace-loving colleagues in Japan, I pray for the safe completion of Fr Bruno Cadore,  the Master of the Order’s,  meaningful journey, and I look forward with happy anticipation to the day when I may visit the illustrious site of today's Peace Pole planting.”


Very Rev. Pascal Paulus OP, Prior Vice Provincial of the Dominicans in Pakistan said  that is a great honor that we are promoting peace and congratulate Fr James Channan for organizing this ceremony.


Fr James has also received Gold Medal on 7th of May in recognition of his tremendous services in promoting peace and interfaith dialogue. He said that Fr Bruno, is a living example of  love and peace. Some people suggested him not to come to Pakistan since the situation is very dangerous, but he dared and  decided to come and said if you people are in difficult situation can survive I can also survive. He is here in our midst and he is in Peace Center to plant a Peace Pole which is symbol of peace for all nations.

 After these speeches Fr Bruno along with Fr James Channan and Fr Pascal Paulus planted the Peace Pole in the beautiful lawn of Peace Center. The Peace Pole will always remind the historic visit of the Master of the Order and his love for the people of Pakistan and his dream of seeing peace among all nations and countries.




Reported by:

Fr James Channan OP


Peace Center, Lahore

11 May, 2011

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